Since 2019, Alexander Dimopoulos has been an associate professor-lecturer in the sector of computersat the Hellenic Naval Academy. Here, he focuses in teaching and researching programming languages and artificial intelligence.
He graduated from NTUA in 2004 with a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the same institution saw him finish his PhD in 2009. He has since taught for more than ten years at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of Harokopio University as well as at the postgraduate level in various academic programs at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (a.k.a. EKPA), Greece. While in the field of bioinformatics, he has been a partner at BSRC Alexander Fleming since 2010.
His work in the areas of embedded systems, programming languages, artificial intelligence, and Bioinformatics is his main focus. He has published 30 papers at international conferences and 20 in international scientific journals. Finally, he has taken part in a number of national and European research programs.