Members of the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering teach the following courses:
1st Year
- Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Engineer Cadets, 1st Semester
2nd Year
- Introduction to Marine Engineering, Deck Officer Cadets, 4th Semester
- Thermodynamics, Engineer Cadets, 3rd Semester
- Fluid Mechanics, Engineer Cadets, 3rd Semester
- Marine Auxiliary Systems and Engineer Cadets, Engineer Cadets, 4th Semester
- Applied Thermodynamics, Engineers, 4th Semester
3rd Year
- Heat Transfer, Engineer Cadets, 5th Semester
- Marine Gas Turbines, Engineer Cadets, 5th Semester
- Marine Piston Engines, Engineer Cadets, 6th Semester
4th Year
- Naval Architecture I, Engineer Cadets, 7th Semester
- Machine Elements I, Engineer Cadets, 7th Semester
- Naval Architecture, Deck Officer Cadets, 8th Semester
- Naval Architecture II, Engineer Cadets, 8th Semester
- Machine Elements II, Engineer Cadets, 8th Semester
M.Sc. Course in “Administration in Maritime Science and Technology” (Hellenic Naval Academy in collaboration with the University of Piraeus)
- Marine Energy Management and Energy Savings, 2nd Semester
- Organization and Management of Ship Maintenance Procedures, 3rd Semester
- Environmental and Anti-Pollution Technologies, 3rd Semester
Hellenic Coast Guard Officer Cadets
- Introduction to Marine Auxiliary Systems and Piping, 4th Semester, Deck Officer Cadets
- Mechanical Engineering Drawing, 5st Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Thermodynamics, 5th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Marine Engines, 6th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Introduction to Marine Engineering, 6th Semester, Deck Officer Cadets
- Heat Transfer, 7th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Machine Elements I, 7th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Naval Architecture A, 7th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Marine Auxiliary Systems and Piping, 7th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Fluid Mechanics, 7th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Naval Architecture II, 8th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Machine Elements II, 8th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Applied Thermodynamics, 8th Semester, Engineer Cadets
- Naval Architecture, 8th Semester, Deck Officer Cadets